Visual Basic Source Code
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BASIC Source File
111 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "MainModule"
' Written for West End Software, Inc.
' Copyright ⌐ 1997 Michael L. Jones
' All Rights Reserved.
' Warning: This computer program is protected by
' copyright law and international treaties.
' Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
' program, or any portion of it, may result in
' severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be
' prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under
' the law.
Option Explicit
' wesCommonLibrary sample project
' public constants
Public Const csProjName = "Sample"
' private constants
Private Const csModName = "MainModule"
' replace with valid values to prevent
' "unregistered" message box from appearing
' when initializing Library object
Private Const csUserName = "My UserName"
Private Const csLicenseNumber = 1234567890
' replace with resource file string if you end up
' using something like this
Private Const csFatalError = _
"An unrecoverable error has occurred:"
' public properties
Public Library As Library
' public procedures
Public Sub Main()
On Error GoTo CatchError
Const csProcName = csProjName & "." & _
csModName & ".Main"
' initialize a wesCommonLibrary Application
' object
Dim oLibraryApp As _
Set oLibraryApp = _
New wesCommonLibraryVB4.Application
' set the UserName and LicenseNumber
' properties
oLibraryApp.UserName = csUserName
oLibraryApp.LicenseNumber = csLicenseNumber
' initialize the library object; (the sample
' values used for the UserName and
' LicenseNumber properties will cause the
' "unregistered" message box to appear;
' using valid values will prevent this)
Set Library = oLibraryApp.Library
' release the Application object
Set oLibraryApp = Nothing
' load and show the main form
Load frmMain
Exit Sub
' replace with you choice of error handling
' no recovery possible; display error
DisplayError csFatalError, Err.Number, _
Err.Description, csProcName
' make sure that the main form is gone
Unload frmMain
Exit Sub
End Sub
Public Sub DisplayError(ByRef Message As String, _
ByRef Number As Long, ByRef Description _
As String, ByRef Source As String)
On Error Resume Next
' display error message
Dim sMsg As String
sMsg = Message & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Source & _
vbCrLf & CStr(Number) & "-" & Description
MsgBox sMsg, vbInformation, App.Title
End Sub
Public Sub Terminate()
On Error Resume Next
' release all object references,
' allowing application to terminate
Set Library = Nothing
End Sub